500 Word Flash Fiction – You Can Fly If You Believe

Clouds In The Sky“Trust me you can do this…”

“Are you sure?”

Jill looked back at Kirin, his long silver hair fluttering in the breeze with an infectious grin all over his face as he swiped the hair away from his auburn eyes. He had to be kidding, right? No, he was as serious as ever. She took a breath and looked down, the cliff she stood upon was a sheer fall, the crashing of waves under her sounded miles away; vertigo swam through her head and she could feel her knees go weak. There was no way she could do this, could she?

“Jill… I would not say it if it wasn’t true… all you need to do is believe… But you do need open your eyes…” said Kirin smiling.

“I don’t want too,” said Jill visibly shaking.

“Don’t worry, I will go with you, said Kirin stepping next to her, she could smell him now, just like a fresh morning breeze, “here hold my hand.”

“But… I can’t see the bottom,” she stammered opening her eyes and quickly looking down before screwing them shut again.

“That isn’t important, only the first step is… The first step is everything…” she felt Kirin hold her hand and she found herself biting her lip, his warmth spread through her and her skin tingled. He had been right so far, right? Ever since she woke up in the indigo grass he had been her guide to this odd land she had found herself in. Now he was asking her to step off a cliff and trust in his faith in her that she would not fall. This had to be impossible.

“Trust me, you can do this Jill,” said Kirin grinning unseen at her. “You already did this to get here you just don’t remember.”

“I did?”


“Okay,” Jill took another step closer to the cliff edge feeling her heart in her chest battering against her rib cage and forcing its way into her throat. She found herself gripping Kirin’s hand harder. Anticipating, both excited and dreading that her next step would be into thin air. “I can do this… Here we go!”

She squeezed her eyes shut tighter and let herself fall forward into the nothingness feeling Kirin fall with her. For one stomach sickening moment she didn’t stop and she felt she was going to tumble, that he was wrong and she would fall smashing herself against the rocks far-far below her. Instead, there was a rush of air and then a gentle jolt almost like she was falling into a bed of feathers. Everything stopped and she felt herself hang in the air feeling the breeze play over her skin. She risked a look forcing open one eye, then the other and to her amazement Kirin really was right she could fly! Slowly hand in hand, she let herself float up into the sky joining in with Kirin’s golden joyful laugh. He was right; here she was truly free…

“Told you.”