We are proud to announce Nick Davis’ character design is the new brand icon for RISUCON

RISUCon is Montgomery County, MD biggest anime, cosplay and comic book convention and it start on Saturday August 17, 2024. Earlier this year, RISUCon put out a bid asking for creators to design their new brand icon, and Nick Davis, of Night Guardians and Let’s Hunt Monstas! fame, submitted an entry.


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First Look Let’s Hunt Monstas! Part Deux!

Work on Let’s Hunt Monstas! starts again with part deux and I want to give you all a first look at this new comic book!


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Nick Davis gets a write-up in the Comics DC News

Nick Davis, Night Guardians creator, writer and occasional artist gets a write up in the Comics DC News. Nick was interviewed at Awesome Con 2024 about his books, the state of the comic book industry and what the future holds for comic book readers.


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