M Print, rated M for mature Night Guardian adventures

Announcing M Print the Alt World Studios Mature Book Imprint

For a long time we have struggled to find a home for a couple of our books, mainly featuring Mr. Button the teddy bear, his books have a mature theme that doesn’t sit all that comfortably with our all-ages Night Guardian titles. So, we are announcing the launch of M Print, our mature book imprint.

M Print, rated M for mature Night Guardian adventuresM Print, is rated M for mature, the M-Print books are for an older audience, suitable for ages 17 upwards. The Alt World Studio titles in this category may contain mature themes, intense violence and/or strong language. While the titles in the M-Print will be connected to main Night Guardians universe, we do not recommend them for a younger reader.

This new imprint will be home primarily to Mr. Button’s more mature content and other books we have planned throughout the next year of expansion here at Alt World Studios. We will still produce and tell our all-ages Night Guardian adventures, and still continue the theme of everything is connected, while telling stories of courage, hope and friendship. The M Print range allows us to tell stories with mature themes that might not be age appropriate.

You can view the M Print books here.

Adventures ahead!