First Look – The Night Guardians v Cthulhu Graphic Novel Cover

If you met me at a convention you know I have been talking about this project all year, indeed one of the goals of my convention attendance this year was to raise the funds to get the Night Guardians v Cthulhu project started and I am very proud to present to you the cover for the graphic novel.


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New Release! The Last Guardian an illustrated apocalyptic graphic novel fable

The Last Guardian, an illustrated apocalyptic fable about a boy and his giant robotic teddy bear traveling the wastelands trying to find sanctuary, while being hunted by A.I. monsters is now available!


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Night Guardians / Bubble Fox Crossover Cartoon Strip

The Night Guardians, Forrest & Scout crossover with Bubble Fox in a special guest comic strip featuring the title character created by Jon Esparza.


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