Debuting my Scary Godmother Illustration for the Baltimore Comic-Con Year Book

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Early this year I was privileged to be tapped to be a guest of the Kids Love Comic Pavilion at Baltimore Comic-Con, and with that I was asked to contribute to the Baltimore Comic-Con’s yearbook. This theme for 2022 is Scary Godmother by Jill Thompson, from the rather fun all-ages comic and seasonal animation. The mandate was you had to draw Scary and her friends from the stories, but you could incorporate your own  characters. This is what I have come up with entitled ‘A Misunderstanding‘.


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Mobius, Loki and Sylvie on a Jetski

To be fair this was the Loki series end scene you really wanted to see, Loki, Mobius and Sylvie riding to freedom on a jetski, this illustration was drawn in Procreate using an apple pencil. See the full image after the jump.


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